Employment law is an area of the law that can help keep workers protected in the workplace. It includes protections against Sexual harassment which is prohibited in the workplace. In order to ensure they are protected as possible, workers should be familiar with the different types of sexual harassment prohibited in the workplace.
Quid pro quo sexual harassment
Quid pro quo sexual harassment is a type of sexual harassment that occurs when a supervisor or someone in a position of power requires sexual favors or a sexual relationship in exchange for favorable treatment or forgoing negative treatment of the employee. Favorable treatment could include promotions, pay raises or favorable hours. Detrimental actions could include denying a promotion, cutting hours or firing.
Hostile work environment sexual harassment
Hostile work environment sexual harassment occurs when the sexual behaviors are so pervasive that it creates a hostile work environment. In appropriate sexual behaviors and conduct can include demeaning comments, jokes, photographs or threats. The inappropriate conduct must be so pervasive that is creates an offensive and intimidating work environment for the employee.
Workers should not be afraid to go to work every day. Employment law serves as a resource to protect workers in the workplace from sexual harassment. Workers should be familiar with their rights and know that they do not have to tolerate sexual harassment in their workplaces. Different legal remedies may be available to victims of sexual harassment based on the situation and circumstances which victims should also be familiar with.